
Full Address: 1139 Foster street Philadelphia PA 19116 Phone: 215-800-0353 Url: Category: Property Management Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm Sat 10am - 2pm Payment: All cc, cash. Description: Onyx Management Group provides a full range of property management services with competitive pricing. We offer a superior service to our clients including, but not limited to: tenant relations (i.e. rent, utilities and fee collection), evictions, proper licensing, property inspections, 24/7 emergency services and leasing as well as preventive maintenance, repairs and renovations, when necessary. Property Management can be a very time consuming task. As an owner, you are responsible for absolutely everything. Working with an organization that has strong roots in a wide range of Property Management services can alleviate the stress and time consumption of renting your property. Dealing with tenant showings, overseeing maintenance